Basic Run
一場極具意義的路跑,為eye而跑,為視障人士而跑,為愛而跑 ♥
一路上看著這些堅持不放棄的視障朋友們努力往前跑,好感動,一路上收到需多跑者,工作人員的加油打氣,覺得好溫暖 謝謝主辦單位的物資和豐富補給,這是一場富有愛和意義的路跑!
大感謝一路陪在旁為我加油打氣指導的大鼻熊,與我一起完成了從來都想不到能達到得初半馬!! 一起牽手奔向終點真的好棒!沒有打鼻一直以來的耐心支持和鼓勵 沒有今天能順利在風雨中完成初半馬的小鼻 (tears with big smile~)
oh yeah!!!! I did it!!! I made it!!!!
I am still excited also hardly believe I did run 2.5hours non-stop, 22k! It is not the end, yet the beginning, gonna get more 22k even more in time.
Go Bunny, Run Bunny runrun