Speed Practice with 三重箭歇團 Sanchong Rocket Crew @ Sanchong Stadium 三重體育場.
A. 36 mins warmup (9.3K)
B. 800m sprints 短跑 x 10
2:40 / 2:41 / 2:33 / 2:34 / 2:32 /
2:33 / 2:39 / 2:36 / 2:37 / 2:29
Unfortunately #1, #2, #7, #8, #9 were all slower times, because certain people like to block the inner lane when we are running to bother us. I love running in Sanchong and Taiwan, but these people are very rude...
不幸的是#1,#2,#7,#8,#9都是較慢的時間. 因為 遭遇到特定團體刻意的阻擋,所有 '三重箭歇團' 團員無法正常練習. 我熱愛在三重, 台灣 跑, 但這些人真的很不禮貌....